
Platelet Donation

Why donate platelets? Because they're a critical component in the blood clotting process and are used to treat cancer patients, burn victims, transplant recipients, and so many more in lifesaving need.

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Here at Our Blood Institute, we're in the business of saving lives — and if you're a blood donor, you are too! But even if you're a regular donor, you may not be aware of the importance of platelet donation, or even what platelets are and what they mean to millions of sick patients every year.

That's OK, but we need your help! So let's talk platelets.

What Are Platelets?

Platelets are tiny, disc-shaped cells in our blood that are essential for stopping bleeding and forming clots. Also known as thrombocytes, platelets aren't just small — they're the smallest cells in our blood. But what they may lack in size they more than make up for in lifesaving power.

Illustration of platelets in bloodstream

Who Does Platelet Donation Help and Why Are They So Needed?

Many cancer patients, particularly those undergoing chemotherapy, suffer from low platelet counts. Platelet transfusions are essential to prevent life-threatening bleeding and allow these patients to continue their treatment. Platelets are also frequently used to treat:

  • Surgical and trauma patients: During major surgeries or severe injuries, patients often require platelet transfusions to control bleeding and support recovery.
  • Bone marrow transplants: Patients undergoing bone marrow transplants need platelets due to their compromised ability to produce blood cells, making transfusions critical for their survival.

  • Chronic blood disorders: Individuals with conditions such as aplastic anemia or leukemia depend on regular platelet transfusions to manage their disease.

  • Emergency situations: In emergencies like car accidents or severe burns, platelet donations are crucial in saving lives by aiding in blood clotting and preventing excessive blood loss.

Every 15 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs platelets. Collectively, around 2 million units of platelets are transfused in the U.S. each year. To complicate matters further, platelets can only be stored for a short period and must be used within 5 days. Such a short shelf life means a) that hospitals are in constant demand and b) that platelet donors are needed every day of the year.

"Who needs platelets?" platelet donation illustration

Who Can Donate Platelets?

Platelet donation requires additional criteria to ensure you’re a good candidate for this type of donation.

The Ideal Platelet Donor:

  • Is healthy!
  • Weighs at least 110 pounds.
  • Has never been pregnant.
  • Has not taken aspirin within the last 48 hours.

MORE: How to Increase (or Decrease) Your Platelet Count

What Blood Type Is Best for Donating Platelets?

If your blood type is A+, B+, AB+, or AB- and you meet the criteria above, your blood is likely perfect for platelet donation.

Hey O's, you're important, too! Here's why.

If you have any additional questions around your ability to donate platelets or other blood components, visit our donation eligibility FAQ page. If you meet the requirements for giving blood, then you can usually donate platelets. Finally, we will also check your platelet count so you can be sure your platelet donation is right for you.

Best blood types for platelet donation

How Often Can You Donate Platelets?

One of the absolute best parts of platelet donation? You can give much more frequently and save many more lives as a result! While you can only donate whole blood every 56 days, platelet donors can give every seven days, up to 24 times a year.

Another perk? Platelets are most often given at one of our 17 donor centers, where we can make donors comfortable with reclining chairs and individual televisions. We’ll also provide plenty of snacks and drinks to keep you feeling strong during your donation. The platelet donation process is performed through an apheresis machine in which blood is removed, spun through a machine to remove the needed part, and then returned to the body. The full donation takes about two hours.

Can You Get Paid for Donating Platelets?

While we can't pay you for donating platelets, we can give you some amazing gifts as a part of our Proud Platelet Program!

Simply make a successful platelet donation and you'll be enrolled in the program. The more times you give, the more gifts you'll get! Gifts like:

  • Fleece blankets
  • Half-zip pullovers
  • Bluetooth speakers

Proud Platelet Program rewards

Save Lives, Join the Proud Platelet Program